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Вас приветствует коллектив ФРИ "Духи Дискордии". Наш мир является авторским с уклоном в тематику фэнтези; присутствуют мистика, тотемизм, древние тайны и немного интриг. Мы всегда рады видеть активных игроков. Система игры смешанная; выбор между локациями или эпизодами остается за игроком.
В игре:
Фестиваль-карнавал Дискордии приходится на летний период. С заката и до рассвета не утихают голоса, не гасится огонь. Жители празднуют финал жарких дней, пряча свои лица под масками, расцвечивая тела яркими узорами и украшая волосы птичьими перьями. Торжества идут своим ходом, однако по углам сгущаются мрачные тени и холод касается радостных лиц.
Ночь, 22:30. Первый день Успокоения Амонкиры. Ветрено, +23.

Paragon. Burning world.


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words are useless

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иди пост пиши

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а тут котик


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Who am I to disagree?

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мои странные и жутковатые способы отвлечься от сонливости - работа в фотошопе, изучение вот таких красивых штук и милое, славное воровство.<br>однако мало кто что заметит





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                        <h2>Character Name</h2>
                        <p>when you’re born, you aren’t born with a personality. you’re a clean slate of clay waiting to be molded. you have bright wide eyes that look expectantly at your parents. from that first moment on, every memory you possess or have forgotten, every interaction you have ever had or thought of having but then didn’t, and every thought that ever crossed your mind begins to mold you into the person you are. chrissy <b>was a bright child</b>, happy and without much reason to despise anyone. she was born to a great family, never had any concerns regarding money or grades, never cared about whether she should wear a blue or white shirt, and lived a overall great life. she wasn’t particularly outgoing or loud, always preferring to sit in the corner and observe than to participate. isolation of the mind, however, becomes your greatest downfall when you are left alone for too long. <br /><br />you could say she’s innocent, having very little exposure to the outside world, protected by her parents. she never understood reality and preferred to live in her fantasy worlds, worlds that expand and begin to consume her sense of reality. she is eager to learn. she’s a bit withdrawn; hardly being the type to reach out to someone else and instead requires others to reach out to her. chrissy, however, sometimes will try to muster enough courage to speak to strangers if the need arises. these bouts of courage are few and far in between, requiring too much mental coaxing to herself to even happen, let alone happen multiple times. <br /><br />she prefers to stay silent if given the opportunity and finds nothing wrong with them. people often say silences are awkward and will speak to fill it up, but chrissy prefers to sit in the silence, let herself think for a bit, consider her sentences, and formulate words. you could say she's patient, but that's not always the case. you could say she's calm, but that's just when there's no race. she hates responsibility because she feels as though she is inadequate. she does not have a low self-esteem but rather has a fear of commitment, an irrational fear of other human beings. this fear was developed when her best friend for all of her childhood moved away and she felt sad for the first time in her life at the age ten. she didn't really know anyone else and her best friend was the first one to reach out to her in school. <br /><br />chrissy is drawn to those who seem to emit light, those souls who are caring and kind. she isn't afraid of shadows because a shadow is created if you're not too far from the light. she became lonely, though, after he friend left. but her courage was not yet great enough to reach out to others. people wouldn't even spare her a glance when she sat there in class watching everyone, silently hoping someone would come save her. one day, though, she realized that she was wrong to hope after all. nobody would come save you. it seemed regardless of who, everyone had greed woven into their souls. she realized that because of gnossienne, she could never fully trust others, even those closest to herself. <br /><br />sometimes, chrissy becomes stubborn in her ways. she was alone for so long that even when people began to reach out with coaxing from the teachers she began to push them away. she isolated herself, mentally and physically. she is scared of another human's touch, and loathes to be close to someone. she is reserved, and prefers not to talk about herself. she is hesitant when speaking to others, and says most things quietly in her mind, even whispering to herself for fear that someone else has the ability to read her thoughts. <br /></p></div>


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<label for="tab-2">Relationships</label>
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<h2>friend<span style="color:#da8c8c;">ships</span></h2>
<p>Chrissy is a <b>loner</b>. She hides, she watches, she observes, but she does not speak. She is afraid of humans. She hates their touch, their breath, their minds, their intentions. She hates their existences. She does not make friends. She learned not to trust others. She made it aware that she has many secrets and she will not speak of them. When you're with Chrissy for a while, you will be struck by gnossienne, a moment of realization that no matter how close you get to someone, you are not them and therefore are not privy to their minds. She has this mentality when facing others and therefore expects the same. She is polite and is not rude, but does not care for others. 

<h2>hate<span style="color:#da8c8c;">ships</span></h2>
<p>Chrissy doesn't really speak and therefore is hard to make enemies with. She can speak. She physically can, but she mentally blocks herself from doing so. What can someone have against a girl who pretends to be mute? Perhaps you don't like the look in her eyes as she studies you.... </p>

<h2>love<span style="color:#da8c8c;">ships</span></h2>
<p>In Chrissy's bio, I mention that she had a <b>best friend</b> from birth until the two were ten. The kids were born in the same year, and the boy was of high social standing until his parents were caught for embezzling funds. He was the only one Chrissy believed to understand her, and he was the only one she really cared for perhaps in a friend way or in a romantic way. The boy leaves and it is forbidden for Chrissy to try and find him because his family is shameful to the society that they live in. However, now that Chrissy has fallen to the level of normal humans, maybe the guy somehow reappears in her life? Or maybe a guy who is similar? It's been 9 years, so they could just not recognize each other. But the angst the angstttt. the boy who made her distrust all of humanity suddenly reappears. amfg.<br /><br />but that's more for a wanted ad. if you are interested in a romantic relationship with Chrissy, i want angst. er, i mean, uh. feel free to submit ideas. keep in mind, chrissy hates everything. c; </p>

<h2>other<span style="color:#da8c8c;">ships</span></h2>
<p>umh. <b>idk</b>. idk what else goes here. </p>


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<h2><span style="color:#da8c8c;">ACTIVE THREADS</span></h2>
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<div class="fool-proof"><a>Thread Title</a>
Write a short description here of your thread. Perhaps who it's with, who's turn it is, etc. Mayhap there's a plot, you can jot down ideas or where it's going here. It doesn't really matter. Btw, this also scrolls so have fun with that. </div>

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Write a short description here of your thread. Perhaps who it's with, who's turn it is, etc. Mayhap there's a plot, you can jot down ideas or where it's going here. It doesn't really matter. Btw, this also scrolls so have fun with that. </div>

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Write a short description here of your thread. Perhaps who it's with, who's turn it is, etc. Mayhap there's a plot, you can jot down ideas or where it's going here. It doesn't really matter. Btw, this also scrolls so have fun with that. </div>

</div><h2><span style="color:#dacb8c;">INACTIVE THREADS</span></h2>
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Write a short description here of your thread. Perhaps who it's with, who's turn it is, etc. Mayhap there's a plot, you can jot down ideas or where it's going here. It doesn't really matter. Btw, this also scrolls so have fun with that. </div>

<div class="fool-proof"><a>Thread Title</a>
Write a short description here of your thread. Perhaps who it's with, who's turn it is, etc. Mayhap there's a plot, you can jot down ideas or where it's going here. It doesn't really matter. Btw, this also scrolls so have fun with that. </div>

<div class="fool-proof"><a>Thread Title</a>
Write a short description here of your thread. Perhaps who it's with, who's turn it is, etc. Mayhap there's a plot, you can jot down ideas or where it's going here. It doesn't really matter. Btw, this also scrolls so have fun with that. </div>

</div><h2><span style="color:#a3da8c;">COMPLETED THREADS</span></h2>
<div class="fool3">
<div class="foolproof"><a>Thread Title</a>
Write a short description here of your thread. Perhaps who it's with, who's turn it is, etc. Mayhap there's a plot, you can jot down ideas or where it's going here. It doesn't really matter. Btw, this also scrolls so have fun with that. </div>

<div class="foolproof"><a>Thread Title</a>
Write a short description here of your thread. Perhaps who it's with, who's turn it is, etc. Mayhap there's a plot, you can jot down ideas or where it's going here. It doesn't really matter. Btw, this also scrolls so have fun with that. </div>

<div class="foolproof"><a>Thread Title</a>
Write a short description here of your thread. Perhaps who it's with, who's turn it is, etc. Mayhap there's a plot, you can jot down ideas or where it's going here. It doesn't really matter. Btw, this also scrolls so have fun with that. </div>



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   <div id="hp-parkinson" style="background-image:url(http://s2.uploads.ru/AvoUx.jpg);">
       <div class="hp-potter">
           <div class="hp-weasley">At the end of the night maybe you’ll find love Fake chit chat ’bout the things they got & my stout reputation keeping it hot girl</div>
           <div class="hp-malfoy" style="line-height:100%; padding-bottom:6px;">f. last</div>
       <div class="hp-greengrass">
           <div class="hp-nott">post text will go here.
           <div class="hp-zabini">900 words . for name . a short note can go here</div>
   <div class="codesbymerc"><a href="http://wecode.jcink.net/index.php?showuser=16">MERC</a>



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     <img src="https://40.media.tumblr.com/c304b5ec62bc8d38dd4a53ba1d9fdd96/tumblr_o1mq6ncVgd1qesboko1_1280.jpg">
     <div class="vday7lyrics"> Now I need someone to breathe me back to life
   <div style="padding:20px; background:white; margin-top:40px;">
   <div class="vday7content">
   Synth church-key squid listicle. <b>bold</b> <i>italic</i> VHS authentic ethical, street art bushwick blog ennui butcher kickstarter mumblecore squid pinterest gluten-free. VHS semiotics paleo, disrupt messenger bag roof party vegan vice stumptown tousled chicharrones food truck mustache umami. Scenester sriracha celiac PBR&B paleo. Food truck venmo authentic mumblecore, fanny pack cronut banh mi austin. Hashtag occupy pitchfork trust fund, salvia offal whatever XOXO sartorial microdosing hoodie. Semiotics forage fixie, vegan gastropub cray disrut.
Deep v helvetica four dollar toast, shoreditch seitan kitsch chicharrones semiotics intelligentsia venmo portland. Locavore flexitarian ethical, salvia selvage cronut echo park vice cornhole. Photo booth gastropub you probably haven't heard of them kickstarter selfies. 8-bit truffaut +1 venmo. Ugh swag chartreuse bushwick crucifix. Fashion axe taxidermy 8-bit franzen chicharrones post-ironic, fixie mustache. Waistcoat authentic blue bottle taxidermy plaid, before they sold out ugh biodiesel actually trust fund craft beer hella wayfarers migas cray.
Affogato master cleanse umami skateboard. Green juice YOLO XOXO echo park kitsch. Umami quinoa sriracha, VHS +1 meggings direct trade selfies 8-bit. Ethical meh DIY, yuccie flexitarian distillery cray four dollar toast schlitz pabst vice tumblr. PBR&B squid green juice cred, four loko listicle cardigan offal cray 90's dreamcatcher knausgaard ennui beard. Raw denim franzen four loko keffiyeh cornhole. Art party typewriter pork belly banjo franzen messenger bag.

<div style="width:300px; text-align:right; margin:0 auto; opacity:0.8;">[url=http://wecode.jcink.net/index.php?showuser=454]pierrot[/url]</div><div style="clear:both;"></div>

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.yoursong { width:450px; height:430px; background-color:#ebebeb; line-height:90%; border-bottom:20px solid #59697d; border-right:20px solid #59697d; border-top:20px solid #a34141; border-left:20px solid #a34141;}
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<div class="yoursong">
<table><tr><td><div class="yoursong-image"></div></td><td>
<div class="yoursong-padding"></div>
<div class="yoursong-text">your song *</div>
<div class="yoursong-subtext">My gift is my song and this one's for you And you can tell everybody this is</div></td></tr></table>
<div class="yoursong-wordbox">words will go here</div>
<div class="yoursong-tagbox">tag: first last | word count: ### words</div>
<center><a href="http://wecode.jcink.net/index.php?showuser=16">merc</a>



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<div id='chal11'>
 <h1>love is easy to do</h1>
 <div class='chal111'><a href='#' style='color: #E3ACB8;'>link</a>
   <a href='#' style='color: #E38498;'>link</a>
   <a href='#' style='color: #E3647F;'>link</a>  
   <a href='#' style='padding-left: 25px; color: #E38498;'>link</a>  
   <a href='#' style='color: #E3ACB8'>link</a>
<div class='chal112'><a href='http://wecode.jcink.net/index.php?showuser=1311'>♥</a></div>



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<div id="ftcontainerout">
<div class="ftcoverbg"><img src="400x400 IMAGE URL HERE"></div>
<div class="ftcontent">
<div class="ftcontentimg"></div>
your post goes here!

<div class="ftnote">notes/tags go here</div>    
<div style="text-align:center;font-size:10px;"><a href="http://wecode.b1.jcink.com/index.php?showuser=3026">♫</a></div>



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<div id="beaux-container">

<div class="beaux-ship">ГОСПИТАЛЬЕР ОРДЕНА<br>
<i>верховная жрица Амонкиры</i></div>

<div class="beaux-shipcont">
Your shipper text.

<center><a href="http://wecode.jcink.net/index.php?showuser=16">merc</a></center>



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<div class=inner>
<article><div class=firstslide><div class="fstxt">first last</div></div>
<img src=500x500 IMAGE HERE!!! /></article>
<article><div class=info>
<div class="ntxt">friends</div>
<div class="ctxt"><b>f</b>irst letter goes into the bold tags and the rest of your writing goes here!</div></div>
<img src=500x500 IMAGE HERE!!! /></article>
<article><div class=info><div class="ntxt">enemies</div>
<div class="ctxt"><b>f</b>irst letter goes into the bold tags and the rest of your writing goes here!</div></div>
<img src=500x500 IMAGE HERE!!! /></article>
<article><div class=info><div class="ntxt">lovers</div>
<div class="ctxt"><b>f</b>irst letter goes into the bold tags and the rest of your writing goes here!<br><br>

i'm totally open to any sort of plot really, whether it's a drunken night at a winning after party or something else! </div></div>
<img src=500x500 IMAGE HERE!!! /></article>
<article><div class=info><div class="ntxt">relationships</div>
<div class="ctxt" style="text-align:center;">
<b>first last</b> -  relationship<br>
<b>first last</b> -  relationship<br>
<b>first last</b> -  relationship<br>
<img src=500x500 IMAGE HERE!!! /></article>
<div id=controls>
 <label for=slide1></label>
 <label for=slide2></label>
 <label for=slide3></label>
 <label for=slide4></label>
 <label for=slide5></label>
<center><div id="slidercr"><a href="http://wecode.jcink.net/index.php?showuser=16">▲</a><a href="http://csscience.com/responsiveslidercss3/">▲</a></div></center>



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<center><div class="lorde-back">
<div class="lorde-name">first last</div>
<div class="lorde-triangle"></div>
<div class="lorde-image" style="background-image:url((http://placehold.it/500x460));"></div>
<div class="lorde-inner">
<div class="lorde-title">you can call me queen bee</div>
<div class="lorde-subtitle">trait. trait. trait. trait.</div>
<div style="padding-top:5px;"></div><center>
<table><tr vAlign="top">
<td><div class="lorde-simb"><img src="http://placehold.it/100x100"></div></td>
<td><div style="padding-left:10px"></div><div class="lorde-simb"><img src="http://placehold.it/100x100"></div></td>
<td><div style="padding-left:10px"></div><div class="lorde-simb"><img src="http://placehold.it/100x100"></div></td></tr></table></center>

<center><div class="lorde-outer"><div style="padding-top:10px;"></div>
<div class="lorde-text">writing hereeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!1!

</div><div class="codesbymerc"><a href="http://wecode.jcink.net/index.php?showuser=16">MERC</a></div></center>



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<div id="txtbx"><center>
<img src="http://placehold.it/350x200"><br>
<div class="txthead">VIRGINIA QUIRK</div>
<div class="txtsub">will you still love me when i'm no longer young and beautiful will you still love me when i've got nothing but my aching soul?</div>

<div class="mercpls">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.<br><br>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.</div></center><div>

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